

Site-ing is an intervention in the space of Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien that inhabits its architecture in the manner of an aesthetic parasite. The sheer materiality of painting highlights architectural attributes and elements, while at the same time modifying the habitual experience of the space. In Verónica Lehner’s work, painting acquires a lively sculptural dimension thanks to its organic qualities, superimposed on the rigidity of the stable and permanent forms of architecture. By highlighting its inherently material condition, Site-ing turns the painting into a living body that changes over time and is changed by the conditions of the environment. Temperature, light, colour and fleshly textures are related to a tactile gaze where the pleasure of the form is as important as its meaning. In emphasizing the material, chromatic, elastic and organic condition of painting, Site-ing deviates from the immutability of the art object to be a material event that grows, yields and tires over the time of the exhibition.

Sonia Fernández Pan

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